Results of ČFD Cup (International Draughts)

This event took place in the years 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2024.

The rules for the year 2017 can be found here.

List of events in Draughts can be found here.

Did you take part in a tournament? Give us feedback!


NameCountryCityCriteriaHymna vítěze
1. Václav Křišta CZEPraha10 48 79
2. Petra Dušková CZEKrásná u Aše9 47 67
3. Robert Töpfer CZEDuchcov9 45 61
4. Václav Marek CZEVráž8 46 58
5. Nicholas Novelle CZE8 36 37
6. Alona Maksymova UKRKherson8 36 36
7. Olha Maksymova UKRKheron7 43 40
8. Martin Plesnivý CZEPraha7 38 35
9. Yehor Maksymov UKRKherson7 36 35
10. Richard Icha CZEŘitka7 36 32
11. Michal Vítek CZE6 37 27
12. Emma Lacinová CZEPraha6 33 21
13. Jaroslav Černý CZEPraha5 32 17
14. Jan Macák CZEPraha5 30 19
15. Denis Černý CZE5 29 7
16. Sofia Iljinskaja CZEPraha4 39 18
17. Isabela Novelle CZE4 22 4
18. Daniel Magda CZEPraha3 30 5
19. Vladimír Kotin CZELiberec2 29 0
20. Hana Kotinová CZELiberec0 28 0

Main Organizer

Main Sponsors

Duha - Děsír, projekt Deskohraní

MINDOK Tlamagames Blackfire