Results of Geistes Blitz 2

This event took place in the years 2013, 2014, 2015.

The rules for the year 2015 can be found here.

List of events in Geistes Blitz can be found here.

Did you take part in a tournament? Give us feedback!


NameCountryCityCriteriaHymna vítěze
1. Tomáš Augustin Kukal CZEPraha9 55,56%
2. Martin Zeman CZEJenštejn9 53,89% junior
3. Lucie Zemanová CZEJenštejn9 51,11% junior
4. Šárka Neosadová CZE8 40,56%
5. Michal Böhm CZESedlec7 33,89%
6. Eliška Zedníková CZE6 36,11% junior
7. Lucie Činková CZE6 33,40% junior
8. Michaela Šámalová CZEPraha5 35,00%
9. Martina Jančová CZE4 22,22%
10. Mikuláš Holý CZE3 12,78% junior
10. Barbora Rybáková CZE3 12,78%
11. Viola Nevosadová CZE3 12,71% junior

Main Organizer

Main Sponsors

Duha - Děsír, projekt Deskohraní

MINDOK Tlamagames Blackfire