List of Events in Ludotheque

1.Bazar her20242017
2.Children's Ludotheque202420232022201920182017201520142013
3.Night Playing20242014
4.Authors Forum202320222019201720142011
5.Closing Ceremonial202320142013201020092008
6.Entry Oktober 152022
7.Entry Oktober 162022
8.Entry Oktober 202022
9.Entry Oktober 212022
10.Entry Oktober 222022
11.Entry Oktober 232022
12.Board Games Workshop2019
13.Entry October 122019201420132012
14.Entry October 1320192018201320122011
15.Entry October 172019201820172015
16.Entry October 182019201820172015
17.Entry October 192019201820172015
18.Entry October 202019201820172015
19.Entry October 142018201720122011
20.Entry October 15201820172011
21.Entry October 16201820172011
22.Entry October 21201820172015
23.Entry October 22201720162015
24.Entry October 2320162015
25.Entry October 2420162015
26.Entry October 2520162015
27.Entry October 262016
28.Entry October 272016
29.Entry October 282016
30.Entry October 292016
31.Entry October 302016
33.Entry October 1020142013
34.Entry October 11201420132012
35.Entry October 42014
36.Entry October 520142013
37.Entry October 6201420132012
38.Entry October 7201420132012
39.Entry October 8201420132011
40.Entry October 9201420132011
41.Opening Ceremonial2014201020092008
42.Silent Evening2014
43.Silent Game2014
44.STOH celebration2014
46.Blind games Crash Course2011
47.Children's corner2011
48.Nevidomé hry Crash Course2011
49.Autors Forum2010
50.Forum of Authors2005
51.Upside-down Olympiad200520042003
52.Multigame Tournament2004200320022001
53.New Games Testing I2004
54.New Games Testing II2004

Main Organizer

Main Sponsors

Duha - Děsír, projekt Deskohraní

MINDOK Tlamagames Blackfire