Czech Scrabble Juniors Qualification III

This event took place in the years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.

The results of the year 2005 can be found here.

List of events in can be found here.

The event takes place on Wednesday 05.10.2005 10:00 - 13:00.

Who can participate: juniors born 1990 and later

The results of this event will not be included in Pentamind.

You can learn and train the game in the Ludotheque.

It is not necessary register in advance.

Room: Michnův palác, místnost M2, Tyršův dům, Újezd 40, Praha 1 – Malá Strana
9:00  beginning of attendance
10:00  first round begins
13:00  anticipated end of event
Playing system: swiss system
Criteria: score, minor score
Number of rounds: 2 - 3
Playing tempo: 2 min a move, 30 min a game + finish
Note: The best players will be allowed to start on Sunday at the Czech Juniors Championship. For those not aiming at taking part in Czech Champs, there will be at the same time 3-4-men games, 30 minutes a game, no time limit on move.
Organizer: Klub deskových her Paluba   
Organizer 2: Česká asociace Scrabble
Entry fee: 5 Kč

Main Organizer

Main Sponsors

Duha - Děsír, projekt Deskohraní

MINDOK Tlamagames Blackfire