Czech Scrabble Marathon

This event took place in the years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007.

List of events in can be found here.

The event takes place 05.10.2007 18:30 - 06.10.2007 19:00.

Who can participate: anyone

The results of this event will be included in Pentamind for the game of Scrabble if at least 8 players take part in it. For the purposes of Pentamind this is a 4-block event.

You can learn and train the game in the Ludotheque.

05.10.2007 18:00  beginning of attendance
05.10.2007 18:30  first round begins
06.10.2007 19:00  anticipated end of event
Playing system: swiss system but after exhausting legal pairings a pair may meet another time
Criteria: score, TurČAS
Number of rounds: 24
Playing tempo: 2 min a move, 40 min a game + finish
Note: The Plus variant will be played (Czech Scrabble including cases and transgressives).
Organizer: Česká asociace Scrabble
Organizer 2: Klub deskových her Paluba
Entry fee: Unfortunately, the deadline for early registrations has passed. The following rates apply to late registrations:
CZK 100 standard
CZK 70 reduced
CZK 50 children up to 15 years
“reduced” = students, seniors, disabled, members of organizing body, pregnant women

Main Organizer

Main Sponsors

Duha - Děsír, projekt Deskohraní

MINDOK Tlamagames Blackfire