Results of Diplomacy I

This event took place in the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.

The rules for the year 2013 can be found here.

List of events in Diplomacy can be found here.

Did you take part in a tournament? Give us feedback!


NameCountryCityCriteriaHymna vítěze
1. Vlastimil Peksa CZEPraha10 center Turecko
2. Josef Raichman CZE8 center Francie
3. Karel Nejedlík CZEOstrava7 center Rusko
3. Jan Štícha CZEPraha7 center Anglie
5. Michal Švarný CZEPraha2 centra Itálie
6. Petr Lemarie CZELibiš0 center 1907 Rakousko - Uhersko
7. Robert Scholz CZEPraha0 center 1906 Německo

Main Organizer

Main Sponsors

Duha - Děsír, projekt Deskohraní

MINDOK Tlamagames Blackfire