This event took place in the years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024. The results of the year 2015 can be found here.


is the contest of the most universal players.

There is no need to register for it because every participant of the other tournaments enters Pentamind automatically if the following conditions are met.

  • If you wish to score in Pentamind, you must participate in at least three tournaments that count in Pentamind (see below).
  • Some events (beginners', simultaneous games, Pentamind itself...) do not count in Pentamind. For details see the rules of each event.
  • Events with less than 8 participants are not counted either.
  • At least one of the tournaments counted in your Pentamind score must be big. Event rules tell you whether the event is big. Apart from that, a tournament cannot be big if there are less than 16 participants.
  • A player gets counted in his Pentamind score maximally two tournaments in one game. For the purpose of Pentamind, several different but related games are sometimes treated as one game. For instance, all tournaments in Checkers / Draughts / Dama are considered events of one game. Even if a player participates in five such tournaments, only his two best results are included in Pentamind.
  • Should a player retire from a tournament before having completed at least half of the games, the result of this tournament will not be included in the player's Pentamind score.
  • During the festival you can participate in as many tournaments as you like. Naturally, your chances to win a Pentamind medal are higher with every new tournament you enter. Your five best results will be included in your final Pentamind score.
  • The number of Pentamind points a player gets for a particular tournament depends on the rank of the player in the tournament (n) and the number of participants (p). The points are calculated as 100(p - n)/(p - 1).
  • The player with the most points is the winner of Pentamind.

The following 47 tournaments will be included (provided they meet the minimum attendance condition) in Pentamind this year. For each of them the name of the game is also given, as well as whether it is counted as a big tournament.

AgricolaAgricola Championshipbig
Bang!Bang! Marathonbig
CarcassonneCarcassonne Championshipbig
DominionDominion Tourbig
DraughtsMillennium World Cup (Czech Draughts)big
DraughtsOld England Club (Checkers)big
Fight of FoursCzech Team Championship in Board Gamesbig
GoGo Main Tournamentbig
MankalaToguz Kumalak Championshipbig
Settlers of CatanSettlers of Catan Main Tournamentbig
Stone AgeStone Age Main Tournamentbig
Tic-Tac-Toe and RenjuGomoku Main Tournamentbig
ZatreZATRE Anniversary Tournamentbig
Bang!Evening Bangsmall
CarcassonneCarcassonne Main Tournamentsmall
Colt ExpressColt Expresssmall
DiplomacyDiplomacy Ismall
DiplomacyDiplomacy IIsmall
DominionDominion Tour for Juniorssmall
DominionDominion Tour QTsmall
DraughtsFrisian Draughtssmall
GoGo 13×13small
GoGo 9×9small
HOPE CardgameHOPE Cardgamesmall
Imperial SettlersImperial Settlerssmall
OthelloOthello Main Tournamentsmall
Port RoyalPort Royalsmall
Race for the GalaxyRace for the Galaxysmall
ScrabbleCzech Lightning Scrabblesmall
ScrabbleCzech Scrabble Pairssmall
Shuffle HeroesShuffle Heroessmall
Ticket to RideTicket to Ridesmall
Tic-Tac-Toe and RenjuBlitz Gomoku Tournamentsmall
Trans AmericaTrans Americasmall
7 Wonders7 Wonderssmall
ZatreZATRE Pairssmall
ZatreZATRE the Card Gamesmall

Main Organizer

Main Sponsors

Duha - Děsír, projekt Deskohraní

MINDOK Tlamagames Blackfire